@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<sql id="selectTcYqzsVo">
select id, area_id, date_time, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark, count1, count2 from tc_yqzs
select id, area_id, date_time, create_by, create_time, update_by, update_time, remark, count1, count2 from
<select id="selectTcYqzsList" parameterType="TcYqzs" resultMap="TcYqzsResult">
@ -37,7 +38,9 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<if test="params.beginUpdateTime != null and params.beginUpdateTime != '' and params.endUpdateTime != null and params.endUpdateTime != ''">
and update_time between #{params.beginUpdateTime} and #{params.endUpdateTime}
<if test="beginDateTime != null and endDateTime != null "> and date_time between #{beginDateTime} and #{endDateTime}</if>
<if test="beginDateTime != null and endDateTime != null ">and date_time between #{beginDateTime} and
<if test="beginDateTime != null">and date_time >= #{beginDateTime}</if>
<if test="endDateTime != null">and date_time <= #{endDateTime}</if>
<if test="remark != null and remark != ''">and remark = #{remark}</if>
@ -45,7 +48,15 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<if test="count2 != null ">and count2 = #{count2}</if>
<if test="dateTime != null ">and date_time like concat('%', #{dateTime}, '%')</if>
<if test="isOrthodox == 2 and isOrthodox != null">
order by date_time desc
<if test="isOrthodox == null">
order by date_time asc
<if test="isOrthodox == 1 and isOrthodox != null">
order by date_time asc
<select id="selectTcYqzsById" parameterType="Long" resultMap="TcYqzsResult">