@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ public class AssetAppCpPo extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
private Integer count;
private Integer appState;
private String appState;
* 单位自己编辑的审核状态(1未审批 2审批通过 3审批驳回)
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
left join sys_dept c on b.dept_id = c.dept_id
left join asset_app_cp e on a.id = e.asset_id
a.del_flag = '0' and e.task_id is null and e.audit_state is not null
a.del_flag = '0' and e.task_id is null
<if test="req.yymc!=null and req.yymc!='' ">
and a.app_name like concat('%',#{req.yymc},'%')
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
left join asset_current_cp e on a.id = e.id
a. del_flag = '0' and e.task_id is null and e.audit_state is not null
a. del_flag = '0' and e.task_id is null
<if test="req.xtmc!=null and req.xtmc!='' ">
and a.xtmc like concat('%',#{req.xtmc},'%')
left join asset_email_cp e on a.id = e.asset_id
<if test="req.dzyxhz!=null and req.dzyxhz!='' ">
and a.dzyxhz like concat('%',#{req.dzyxhz},'%')
left join asset_mini_programs_cp e on a.id = e.asset_id
<if test="req.xcxmc!=null and req.xcxmc!='' ">
and a.xcxmc like concat('%',#{req.xcxmc},'%')
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
left join asset_official_account_cp e on a.id = e.asset_id
<if test="req.gzhmc!=null and req.gzhmc!='' ">
and a.gzhmc like concat('%',#{req.gzhmc},'%')