
杜函宇 2 months ago
parent 3a7619eec7
commit 4b89d0945a

@ -347,10 +347,10 @@ public class AssetCurrentController extends BaseController {
public AjaxResult lookInfo(@PathVariable Long id) {
AssetCurrentCpPo byId = assetCurrentCpService.getById(id);
byId.setGylxxList(assetSupplyChainCpService.lambdaQuery().eq(AssetSupplyChainCpPo::getAssetId ,byId.getId()).list());
byId.setJcwlList(assetBasicNetworkCpService.lambdaQuery().eq(AssetBasicNetworkCpPo::getAssetId, byId.getId()).list());
byId.setXjgywxt(assetBusinessFormCpService.lambdaQuery().eq(AssetBusinessFormCpPo::getAssetId, byId.getId()).one());
byId.setOtherConcat(unitOtherConcatCpService.lambdaQuery().eq(UnitOtherConcatCpPo::getAssetId, byId.getId()).list());
byId.setGylxxList(assetSupplyChainCpService.lambdaQuery().eq(AssetSupplyChainCpPo::getAssetId ,byId.getId()).isNull(AssetSupplyChainCpPo::getTaskId).list());
byId.setJcwlList(assetBasicNetworkCpService.lambdaQuery().eq(AssetBasicNetworkCpPo::getAssetId, byId.getId()).isNull(AssetBasicNetworkCpPo::getTaskId).list());
byId.setXjgywxt(assetBusinessFormCpService.lambdaQuery().eq(AssetBusinessFormCpPo::getAssetId, byId.getId()).isNull(AssetBusinessFormCpPo::getTaskId).one());
byId.setOtherConcat(unitOtherConcatCpService.lambdaQuery().eq(UnitOtherConcatCpPo::getAssetId, byId.getId()).isNull(UnitOtherConcatCpPo::getTaskId).list());
List<Acomma> a1 = new ArrayList<>();
Arrays.asList(byId.getGlym().split(",")).forEach(x -> {
@ -684,6 +684,14 @@ public class AssetCurrentController extends BaseController {
@ -751,6 +759,11 @@ public class AssetCurrentController extends BaseController {
AssetBasicNetworkCpPo co5 = new AssetBasicNetworkCpPo();

@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ public class UnitController {
for (Unit unit : list1) {
if (unit.getNickName().equals(list.get(i).getNickName())
&& unit.getUserName().equals(list.get(i).getUserName())
|| unit.getUserName().equals(list.get(i).getUserName())
) {
@ -243,6 +243,9 @@ public class UnitController {
if (!unitService.lambdaQuery().eq(Unit::getUserName, unit.getUserName()).eq(Unit::getDelFlag, "0").list().isEmpty()) {
throw new ServiceException(unit.getUserName() + "'已存在单位!");
if (!unitService.lambdaQuery().eq(Unit::getNickName, unit.getNickName()).eq(Unit::getDelFlag, "0").list().isEmpty()) {
throw new ServiceException(unit.getNickName() + "'已存在单位!");

@ -82,14 +82,14 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
@Excel(name = "域名",sort = 3)
private String xtym;
@Excel(name ="访问网址-协议类型",sort = 12,width = 26)
@Excel(name ="访问网址-协议类型",sort = 13,width = 26)
@TableField(exist = false)
private String fwwzXylx;
* 访
@Excel(name ="访问网址",sort = 13)
@Excel(name ="访问网址",sort = 14)
@Size(max= 50,message="访问网址长度不能超过50")
private String fwwz;
@ -147,15 +147,14 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
* ip,
@Excel(name ="关联资产(多个资产用逗号隔开,例如{\"ipv4\"",sort = 7,width = 60)
// @Excel(name ="关联资产(多个资产用逗号隔开,例如\n{\"ipv4\":[\"\",\"\"],\"ipv6\":\n[\"fe80::ec3e:9cff:fe25:687b\",\"de71::ec3e:9cff:fe25:687b\"]}",sort = 7,width = 60)
@Excel(name ="关联资产(多个资产用逗号隔开,例如{\"ipv4\":[\"\",\"\"],\"ipv6\":[\"fe80::ec3e:9cff:fe25:687b\",\"de71::ec3e:9cff:fe25:687b\"]}",sort = 7,width = 60)
@Size(max= 500,message="关联ip长度不能超过500")
private String glIp;
@Excel(name = "*系统类型",dictType="zc_xtlx",comboReadDict = true,sort =200)
@Excel(name = "*系统类型",dictType="zc_xtlx",comboReadDict = true,sort =8)
private String xtlx;
@ -170,13 +169,12 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
@Excel(name = "是否关基系统",dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true,sort = 10)
// @Excel(name = "*是否关基系统",dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true,sort = 10)
private String gjxt;
@Excel(name = "系统标签(多个标签逗号隔开)",sort = 11,width = 32)
@Excel(name = "系统标签(多个标签逗号隔开)",sort = 12,width = 32)
@Size(max= 255,message="系统标签长度不能超过255")
private String xtbq;
@ -184,7 +182,7 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
@Excel(name = "*机房信息",sort = 58)
@Excel(name = "*机房信息",sort = 11)
@Size(max= 500,message="机房信息长度不能超过500")
private String jfxx;
@ -194,13 +192,13 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
@Size(max= 50,message="使用时间长度不能超过50")
// @Excel(name = "使用时间",sort = 116)
@Excel(name = "使用时间",sort = 123)
private String sysj;
// @Excel(name = "*是否是互联网系统",dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true,sort = 117 )
@Excel(name = "*是否是互联网系统",dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true,sort = 124 )
private String hlwxt;
@ -208,43 +206,41 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
@Size(max= 50,message="系统编号长度不能超过50")
@Excel(name = "系统编号",sort = 35)
@Excel(name = "系统编号",sort = 37)
private String xtbh;
@Excel(name = "系统状态",dictType = "zc_xtzt",comboReadDict = true,sort = 36)
// @Excel(name = "*系统状态",dictType = "zc_xtzt",comboReadDict = true,sort = 36)
@Excel(name = "*系统状态",dictType = "zc_xtzt",comboReadDict = true,sort = 38)
private String xtzt;
* 线
@Excel(name = "在线状态",dictType = "zc_zxzt",comboReadDict = true,sort = 37)
@Excel(name = "在线状态",dictType = "zc_zxzt",comboReadDict = true,sort = 39)
private String zxzt;
@Excel(name = "使用人",sort = 38)
@TableField(exist = false)
private String syr;
* C-
@Excel(name = "机密性",dictType = "zc_c_i_a",comboReadDict = true,sort = 39)
@Excel(name = "机密性",dictType = "zc_c_i_a",comboReadDict = true,sort = 40)
private String cjmx;
* I-
@Excel(name = "完整性",dictType = "zc_c_i_a",comboReadDict = true,sort = 40)
@Excel(name = "完整性",dictType = "zc_c_i_a",comboReadDict = true,sort = 41)
private String iwzx;
* A-(
@Excel(name = "可用性",dictType = "zc_c_i_a",comboReadDict = true,sort = 41)
@Excel(name = "可用性",dictType = "zc_c_i_a",comboReadDict = true,sort = 42)
private String akyx;
@ -273,14 +269,13 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
* ,
@Excel(width = 60,name = "系统特征(多选,多个特征用逗号隔开。选项为",sort = 52)
// @Excel(width = 60,name = "系统特征多选多个特征用逗号隔开。选项为党政机关门户网站、重点新闻网站大型网络平台系统业务覆盖单个地市级行政区30%以上人口的工作、生活系统业务覆盖10万人以上用水、用电、用气、用油、取暖或交通出行存储超过5万人以上个人敏感信息存储超过100万条以上地理、人口、资源等国家基础数据",sort = 52)
@Excel(width = 60,name = "系统特征多选多个特征用逗号隔开。选项为党政机关门户网站、重点新闻网站大型网络平台系统业务覆盖单个地市级行政区30%以上人口的工作、生活系统业务覆盖10万人以上用水、用电、用气、用油、取暖或交通出行存储超过5万人以上个人敏感信息存储超过100万条以上地理、人口、资源等国家基础数据",sort = 54)
private String xttz;
@Excel(name = "*用户规模",dictType ="zc_yhgm",comboReadDict = true,sort = 53)
@Excel(name = "*用户规模",dictType ="zc_yhgm",comboReadDict = true,sort = 55)
private String yhgm;
@ -288,12 +283,11 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
@Excel(name = "*互联网接入运营商",sort = 54)
@Excel(name = "*互联网接入运营商",sort = 56)
@Size(max= 50,message="互联网接入运营商长度不能超过50")
private String hlwjryys;
@Excel(name = "*物理接入地址",sort = 55)
@TableField(exist = false)
private String wljrdz;
@ -301,8 +295,7 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
// @Excel(name = "*资产物理接入地址",sort = 118,width = 28)
@Excel(name = "*资产物理接入地址",sort = 57,width = 28)
@Size(max= 50,message="资产物理接入地址长度不能超过50")
private String zcwljrdz;
@ -310,56 +303,54 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
@Excel(name = "*是否部署云平台",sort = 56,dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true)
@Excel(name = "*是否部署云平台",sort = 58,dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true)
private String bsypt;
@Excel(name = "云服务商名称(“是否部署云平台”选择“是”必须填写,选择“否”则无需填写)",sort = 57,width = 45)
@Excel(name = "云服务商名称(“是否部署云平台”选择“是”必须填写,选择“否”则无需填写)",sort = 59,width = 45)
@Size(max= 100,message="云服务商名称长度不能超过100")
private String yfwsmc;
* 访/
@Excel(name = "*网站访问协议",sort = 64)
@Excel(name = "*网站访问协议",sort = 60)
@Size(max= 255,message="网站访问协议/开通协议长度不能超过255")
private String wzfwxy;
@Excel(name = "*系统部署方式",dictType = "zc_xtbsfs",comboReadDict = true,sort = 59)
@Excel(name = "*系统部署方式",dictType = "zc_xtbsfs",comboReadDict = true,sort = 61)
private String xtbsfs;
@Excel(name = "托管单位(系统部署方式选择“托管第三方”此项必填)",sort = 60,width = 45)
@Excel(name = "托管单位(系统部署方式选择“托管第三方”此项必填)",sort = 62,width = 45)
@Size(max= 100,message="托管单位长度不能超过100")
private String tgdw;
@Excel(name = "云服务商(系统部署方式选择“云上”此项必填)",sort = 61)
@Excel(name = "云服务商(系统部署方式选择“云上”此项必填)",sort = 63)
@Size(max= 100,message="云服务商长度不能超过100")
private String yfws;
@Excel(name = "*是否对公众开放",dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true,sort = 62,width = 22)
@Excel(name = "*是否对公众开放",dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true,sort = 64,width = 22)
private String dgzkf;
@Excel(name = "*互联网开放用途",dictType = "zc_hlwkfyt",comboReadDict = true,sort = 63,width = 22)
@Excel(name = "*互联网开放用途",dictType = "zc_hlwkfyt",comboReadDict = true,sort = 65,width = 22)
private String hlwkfyt;
@ -420,7 +411,6 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
private String xgywYwms;
@Excel(name = "责任人",sort = 14)
@TableField(exist = false)
private String zrr;
@ -525,8 +515,7 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
@Excel(name = "ICP备案编号",sort = 25,width = 46)
// @Excel(name = "ICP备案编号ICP备案状态选择为是则必填",sort = 25,width = 46)
@Excel(name = "ICP备案编号ICP备案状态选择为是则必填",sort = 25,width = 46)
@Size(max= 50,message="ICP备案信息-ICP备案编号长度不能超过50")
@ -534,7 +523,7 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
* ICP-
@Excel(name = "*备案域名",sort = 26)
@Excel(name = "备案域名ICP备案状态选择为是则必填",sort = 26)
@Size(max= 50,message="ICP备案信息-备案域名长度不能超过50")
@ -584,7 +573,7 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
* -
@Excel(name = "*公安机关备案号",sort = 28,width = 22)
@Excel(name = "公安机关备案号(公安机关备案状态选择为是则必填)",sort = 28,width = 22)
@Size(max= 50,message="公安机关备案信息-公安机关备案号长度不能超过50")
@ -653,7 +642,7 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
* -
@Excel(name = "*是否有国产设备",dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true,sort = 35,width = 22)
@Excel(name = "*是否有国产设备",dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true,sort = 36,width = 22)
private String xtjgGcsb;
@ -666,7 +655,7 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
* -
@Excel(name = "*是否是等保系统",dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true,sort = 42)
@Excel(name = "*是否是等保系统",dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true,sort = 43)
private String dbxxSfdbxt;
@ -674,7 +663,7 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
* -
@Excel(name = "*等保测评备案号",sort = 43,width = 22)
@Excel(name = "等保测评备案号(是否等保系统选择为是则必填)",sort = 44,width = 22)
@Size(max= 50,message="等保信息-等保测评备案号长度不能超过50")
private String dbxxDbcpbah;
@ -682,7 +671,7 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
* -
@Excel(name = "*等保等级",dictType = "dbxx_dbdj",comboReadDict = true,sort = 44)
@Excel(name = "等保等级(是否等保系统选择为是则必填)",dictType = "dbxx_dbdj",comboReadDict = true,sort = 45)
private String dbxxDbdj;
@ -705,41 +694,39 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
* -
// @Excel(name = "定级时间是否是等保系统是则必填样式如2024-11-02",sort = 119,width = 40)
@Excel(name = "定级时间是否是等保系统是则必填样式如2024-11-02",sort = 46,width = 40)
@Size(max= 50,message="等保信息-定级时间长度不能超过50")
private String dbxxDjsj;
* -
@Excel(name = "是否有第三方测评",width = 45,dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true,sort = 45)
@Excel(name = "是否有第三方测评(是否是等保系统选择是则必填)",width = 45,dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true,sort = 47)
// @Excel(name = "是否有第三方测评(是否是等保系统选择是则必填)",width = 45,dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true,sort = 45)
private String dbxxSfydsfcp;
@Excel(name = "地理位置-省",sort = 46)
@Excel(name = "地理位置-省",sort = 49)
private String sheng;
@Excel(name = "地理位置-市",sort = 47)
@Excel(name = "地理位置-市",sort = 50)
private String shi;
@Excel(name = "地理位置-区(县)",sort = 48)
@Excel(name = "地理位置-区(县)",sort = 51)
private String qu;
* -
@Excel(name = "*测评得分",sort = 49)
@Excel(name = "测评得分(是否是等保系统选择是则必填)",sort = 48)
@Size(max= 50,message="等保信息-测评得分长度不能超过50")
private String dbxxCpdf;
* -
@Excel(name = "*测评单位名称",sort = 66)
@Size(max= 255,message="第三方测评-测评机构名称长度不能超过255")
private String sfCpjgmc;
@ -822,14 +809,14 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
* -
@Excel(name = "是否密评系统",dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true,sort = 50,width = 22)
@Excel(name = "是否密评系统",dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true,sort = 52,width = 22)
@Size(max= 50,message="密评信息-是否密评系统长度不能超过50")
private String mpSfmpxt;
* -
@Excel(name = "密评得分",sort = 51)
@Excel(name = "密评得分",sort = 53)
@Size(max= 50,message="密评信息-密评得分长度不能超过50")
private String mpMpdf;
@ -921,7 +908,7 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
* -
@Excel(name = "*数据库名称",sort = 98)
@Excel(name = "*数据库名称",sort = 105)
@Size(max= 50,message="编码长度不能超过255")
private String sjzcSjkmc;
@ -929,14 +916,14 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
* -
@Excel(name = "*数据库类型",sort = 99)
@Excel(name = "*数据库类型",sort = 106)
@Size(max= 50,message="数据资产-数据库类型长度不能超过50")
private String sjzcSjklx;
* -
@Excel(name = "*数据库端口",sort = 100)
@Excel(name = "*数据库端口",sort = 107)
@Size(max= 50,message="数据资产-端口长度不能超过50")
@ -944,7 +931,7 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
* -
@Excel(name = "*数据库版本",sort = 101)
@Excel(name = "*数据库版本",sort = 108)
@Size(max= 50,message="数据资产-数据库版本长度不能超过255")
@ -952,7 +939,7 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
* -IP
@Excel(name = "*数据库所在IP",sort = 102)
@Excel(name = "*数据库所在IP",sort = 109)
@Size(max= 50,message="数据资产-数据库所在IP长度不能超过50")
private String sjzcSjkIp;
@ -960,13 +947,13 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
* -
@Excel(name = "*共享属性",dictType = "sjzc_gxsx",comboReadDict = true,sort = 103)
@Excel(name = "*共享属性",dictType = "sjzc_gxsx",comboReadDict = true,sort = 110)
private String sjzcGxsx;
* -
@Excel(name = "*开放属性",dictType = "sjzc_kfsx",comboReadDict = true,sort = 104)
@Excel(name = "*开放属性",dictType = "sjzc_kfsx",comboReadDict = true,sort = 111)
private String sjzcKfsx;
@ -974,21 +961,21 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
* -
@Excel(name = "*数据领域",dictType = "sjzc_sjly",comboReadDict = true,sort = 105)
@Excel(name = "*数据领域",dictType = "sjzc_sjly",comboReadDict = true,sort = 112)
private String sjzcSjly;
* -
@Excel(name = "*更新周期",dictType = "sjzc_gxzq",comboReadDict = true,sort = 106)
@Excel(name = "*更新周期",dictType = "sjzc_gxzq",comboReadDict = true,sort = 113)
private String sjzcGxzq;
* -
@Excel(name = "*数据类型",sort = 107)
@Excel(name = "*数据类型",sort = 114)
@Size(max= 255,message="数据资产-数据类型长度不能超过255")
private String sjzcSjlx;
@ -996,12 +983,12 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
* -
@Excel(name = "*数据量",sort = 108)
@Excel(name = "*数据量",sort = 115)
@Size(max= 255,message="数据资产-数据量长度不能超过255")
private String sjzcSjl;
@Excel(name = "*数据量单位",sort = 109)
@Excel(name = "*数据量单位",sort = 116)
@TableField(exist = false)
private String sjzcSjldw;
@ -1009,28 +996,28 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
* -
@Excel(name = "*是否为涉密数据",dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true,sort = 110)
@Excel(name = "*是否为涉密数据",dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true,sort = 117)
private String sjzcSmsj;
* -
@Excel(name = "*数据是否出境",dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true,sort = 111)
@Excel(name = "*数据是否出境",dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true,sort = 118)
private String sjzcCj;
* -
@Excel(name = "*数据分级分类",dictType = "sjzc_sjfjfl",comboReadDict = true,sort = 112)
@Excel(name = "*数据分级分类",dictType = "sjzc_sjfjfl",comboReadDict = true,sort = 119)
private String sjzcSjfjfl;
* -
@Excel(name = "数据重要程度",dictType = "zc_xtzyx",comboReadDict = true,sort = 113)
@Excel(name = "数据重要程度",dictType = "zc_xtzyx",comboReadDict = true,sort = 120)
private String sjzcSjzycd;
@ -1038,11 +1025,11 @@ public class AssetCurrent extends BaseClass implements Serializable {
@Size(max= 500,message="数据资产-数据描述长度不能超过500")
@Excel(name = "数据描述",sort = 114)
@Excel(name = "数据描述",sort = 121)
private String sjzcSjms;
@Excel(name = "*业务描述",sort = 115)
@Excel(name = "*业务描述",sort = 122)
@TableField(exist = false)
private String ywms;

@ -15,146 +15,161 @@ public class AssetExport extends AssetCurrent{
@Excel(name = "*系统建设单位名称",width=26,sort = 65)
@Excel(name = "*系统建设单位名称",width=26,sort = 67)
private String name;
@Excel(name = "*系统建设单位统一信用代码",width=26,sort = 66)
@Excel(name = "*系统建设单位统一信用代码",width=26,sort = 68)
private String tyshxydm;
@Excel(name = "*系统建设单位联系人",width=26,sort = 67)
@Excel(name = "*系统建设单位联系人",width=26,sort = 69)
private String lxr;
@Excel(name = "*系统建设单位联系电话",width=26,sort = 68)
@Excel(name = "*系统建设单位联系电话",width=26,sort = 70)
private String lxdh;
@Excel(name = "*系统建设单位供应商注册地址",width=26,sort = 69)
@Excel(name = "*系统建设单位供应商注册地址",width=26,sort = 71)
private String gyszcdz;
@Excel(name = "*系统建设单位注册地址是否为太仓",width=26,sort = 70,dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true)
@Excel(name = "*系统建设单位注册地址是否为太仓",width=26,sort = 72,dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true)
private String sfwtc;
@Excel(name = "*系统运营单位名称",width=26,sort = 71)
@Excel(name = "*系统运营单位名称",width=26,sort = 73)
private String name1;
@Excel(name = "*系统运营单位统一信用代码",width=26,sort = 72)
@Excel(name = "*系统运营单位统一信用代码",width=26,sort = 74)
private String tyshxydm1;
@Excel(name = "*系统运营单位联系人",width=26,sort = 73)
@Excel(name = "*系统运营单位联系人",width=26,sort = 75)
private String lxr1;
@Excel(name = "*系统运营单位联系电话",width=26,sort = 74)
@Excel(name = "*系统运营单位联系电话",width=26,sort = 76)
private String lxdh1;
@Excel(name = "*系统运营单位供应商注册地址",width=26,sort = 75)
@Excel(name = "*系统运营单位供应商注册地址",width=26,sort = 77)
private String gyszcdz1;
@Excel(name = "*系统运营单位注册地址是否为太仓",width=26,sort = 76,dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true)
@Excel(name = "*系统运营单位注册地址是否为太仓",width=26,sort = 78,dictType = "is_no",comboReadDict = true)
private String sfwtc1;
@Excel(name = "*服务器信息-设备类型",width=26,sort = 77)
@Excel(name = "*服务器信息-设备类型",width=26,sort = 79)
private String sblx;
@Excel(name = "*服务器信息-品牌",width=26,sort = 78)
@Excel(name = "*服务器信息-品牌",width=26,sort = 80)
private String pp;
* IP
@Excel(name = "*服务器信息-设备IP",width=26,sort = 79)
@Excel(name = "*服务器信息-设备IP",width=26,sort = 81)
private String sbIp;
@Excel(name = "*服务器信息-操作系统",width=26,sort = 80,dictType = "fwq_czxt",comboReadDict = true)
@Excel(name = "*服务器信息-操作系统",width=26,sort = 82,dictType = "fwq_czxt",comboReadDict = true)
private String czxt;
@Excel(name = "*服务器信息-操作系统版本",width=26,sort = 81)
@Excel(name = "*服务器信息-操作系统版本",width=26,sort = 83)
private String czxtbb;
@Excel(name = "*服务器信息-硬件型号",width=26,sort = 82)
@Excel(name = "*服务器信息-硬件型号",width=26,sort = 84)
private String yjxh;
@Excel(name = "服务器信息-硬件序列号",width=26,sort = 83)
@Excel(name = "服务器信息-硬件序列号",width=26,sort = 85)
private String yjxlh;
@Excel(name = "服务器信息-硬件版本信息",width=26,sort = 84)
@Excel(name = "服务器信息-硬件版本信息",width=26,sort = 86)
private String yjbbxx;
@Excel(name = "*服务器信息-硬件用途",width=26,sort = 85)
@Excel(name = "*服务器信息-硬件用途",width=26,sort = 87)
private String yjyt;
@Excel(name = "*服务器信息-硬件部署位置",width=26,sort = 85)
@Excel(name = "*服务器信息-硬件部署位置",width=26,sort = 88)
private String yjbsxx;
@Excel(name = "*网络设备-设备类型",width=26,sort = 86)
@Excel(name = "*网络设备-设备类型",width=26,sort = 89)
private String wlsblx;
@Excel(name = "*网络设备-品牌",width=26,sort = 87)
@Excel(name = "*网络设备-品牌",width=26,sort = 90)
private String wlpp;
@Excel(name = "*网络设备-设备IP",width=26,sort = 88)
@Excel(name = "*网络设备-设备IP",width=26,sort = 91)
private String wlsbIp;
@Excel(name = "*网络设备-硬件型号",width=26,sort = 89)
@Excel(name = "*网络设备-硬件型号",width=26,sort = 92)
private String wlyjxh;
@Excel(name = "网络设备-硬件序列号",width=26,sort = 90)
@Excel(name = "网络设备-硬件序列号",width=26,sort = 93)
private String wlyjxlh;
@Excel(name = "网络设备-硬件版本信息",width=26,sort = 91)
@Excel(name = "网络设备-硬件版本信息",width=26,sort = 94)
private String wlyjbbxx;
@Excel(name = "*网络设备-硬件用途",width=26,sort = 92)
@Excel(name = "*网络设备-硬件用途",width=26,sort = 95)
private String wlyjyt;
@Excel(name = "*网络设备-硬件部署位置",width=26,sort = 93)
@Excel(name = "*网络设备-硬件部署位置",width=26,sort = 96)
private String wlyjbsxx;
@Excel(name = "*安全设备-设备类型",width=26,sort = 94)
@Excel(name = "*安全设备-设备类型",width=26,sort = 97)
private String aqwlsblx;
@Excel(name = "*安全设备-品牌",width=26,sort = 95)
@Excel(name = "*安全设备-品牌",width=26,sort = 98)
private String aqwlpp;
@Excel(name = "*安全设备-设备IP",width=26,sort = 96)
@Excel(name = "*安全设备-设备IP",width=26,sort = 99)
private String aqwlsbIp;
@Excel(name = "*安全设备-硬件型号",width=26,sort = 100)
private String aqyjxh;
@Excel(name = "安全设备-硬件序列号",width=26,sort = 101)
private String aqyjxlh;
@Excel(name = "安全设备-硬件版本信息",width=26,sort = 102)
private String aqyjbbxx;
@Excel(name = "*安全设备-硬件用途",width=26,sort = 103)
private String aqyjyt;
@Excel(name = "*安全设备-硬件部署位置",width=26,sort = 104)
private String aqyjbswz;

@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="com.ruoyi.tc.mapper.AssetAppMapper">
<update id="deleteById">
update asset_app
set del_flag = '2'
<delete id="deleteById">
delete from asset_app
where id = #{id}
<delete id="deleteIdList" >
DELETE FROM asset_app

@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
<select id="page" resultType="com.ruoyi.tc.entity.AssetCurrent">
select a.*,e.audit_state as auditState from asset_current a
select a.*,c.dept_name as deptName,e.audit_state as auditState from asset_current a
left join unit_info b on a.dwmc = b.nick_name
left join sys_dept c on b.dept_id = c.dept_id
left join (select * from asset_current_cp where task_id is null) e on a.id = e.id
a. del_flag = '0'
a.del_flag = '0'
<if test="req.xtmc!=null and req.xtmc!='' ">
and a.xtmc like concat('%',#{req.xtmc},'%')

@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="com.ruoyi.tc.mapper.AssetEmailMapper">
<update id="deleteById">
update asset_email
set del_flag = '2'
<delete id="deleteById">
delete from asset_email
where id = #{id}
<delete id="deleteIdList">
DELETE FROM asset_email
@ -15,7 +14,7 @@
<select id="page" resultType="com.ruoyi.tc.entity.AssetEmail">
select a.*,e.audit_state as auditState from asset_email a
select a.*,c.dept_name as deptName,e.audit_state as auditState from asset_email a
left join unit_info b on a.ssdw = b.nick_name
left join sys_dept c on b.dept_id = c.dept_id
left join (select * from asset_email_cp where task_id is null) e on a.id = e.asset_id

@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="com.ruoyi.tc.mapper.AssetMiniProgramsMapper">
<update id="deleteById">
update asset_mini_programs
set del_flag = '2'
<delete id="deleteById">
delete from asset_mini_programs
where id = #{id}
<delete id="deleteIdList" >
DELETE FROM asset_mini_programs
@ -15,7 +14,7 @@
<select id="page" resultType="com.ruoyi.tc.entity.AssetMiniPrograms">
select a.*,e.audit_state as auditState from asset_mini_programs a
select a.*,c.dept_name as deptName,e.audit_state as auditState from asset_mini_programs a
left join unit_info b on a.ssdw = b.nick_name
left join sys_dept c on b.dept_id = c.dept_id
left join (select * from asset_mini_programs_cp where task_id is null) e on a.id = e.asset_id

@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="com.ruoyi.tc.mapper.AssetOfficialAccountMapper">
<update id="deleteById">
update asset_official_account
set del_flag = '2'
<delete id="deleteById">
delete from asset_official_account
where id = #{id}
<delete id="deleteIdList" >
DELETE FROM asset_official_account
@ -19,7 +18,7 @@
where ssdw = #{part}and del_flag=0
<select id="page" resultType="com.ruoyi.tc.entity.AssetOfficialAccount">
select a.*,e.audit_state as auditState from asset_official_account a
select a.*,c.dept_name as deptName,e.audit_state as auditState from asset_official_account a
left join unit_info b on a.ssdw = b.nick_name
left join sys_dept c on b.dept_id = c.dept_id
left join (select * from asset_official_account_cp where task_id is null) e on a.id = e.asset_id
