@ -75,66 +75,10 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<select id="selectSzsEnterpriseInformationList" parameterType="SzsEnterpriseInformation" resultMap="SzsEnterpriseInformationResult">
<include refid="selectSzsEnterpriseInformationVo"/>
<if test="jhptUpdateTime != null "> and jhpt_update_time = #{jhptUpdateTime}</if>
<if test="legalPersonCellphone != null and legalPersonCellphone != ''"> and LEGAL_PERSON_CELLPHONE = #{legalPersonCellphone}</if>
<if test="indusTypeMiddle != null and indusTypeMiddle != ''"> and INDUS_TYPE_MIDDLE = #{indusTypeMiddle}</if>
<if test="legalPersonType != null and legalPersonType != ''"> and LEGAL_PERSON_TYPE = #{legalPersonType}</if>
<if test="indusTypeLagre != null and indusTypeLagre != ''"> and INDUS_TYPE_LAGRE = #{indusTypeLagre}</if>
<if test="supervisionLarge != null and supervisionLarge != ''"> and SUPERVISION_LARGE = #{supervisionLarge}</if>
<if test="CITY != null and CITY != ''"> and CITY = #{CITY}</if>
<if test="businessAddress != null and businessAddress != ''"> and BUSINESS_ADDRESS = #{businessAddress}</if>
<if test="COUNTY != null and COUNTY != ''"> and COUNTY = #{COUNTY}</if>
<!-- <if test="REMARK != null and REMARK != ''"> and REMARK = #{REMARK}</if>-->
<if test="reportHistoryId != null and reportHistoryId != ''"> and REPORT_HISTORY_ID = #{reportHistoryId}</if>
<if test="registerTime != null "> and REGISTER_TIME = #{registerTime}</if>
<if test="enterpriseAddress != null and enterpriseAddress != ''"> and ENTERPRISE_ADDRESS = #{enterpriseAddress}</if>
<if test="createBy != null and createBy != ''"> and CREATE_BY = #{createBy}</if>
<if test="updateTime != null "> and UPDATE_TIME = #{updateTime}</if>
<if test="PROVINCE != null and PROVINCE != ''"> and PROVINCE = #{PROVINCE}</if>
<if test="SQRLXFS != null and SQRLXFS != ''"> and SQRLXFS = #{SQRLXFS}</if>
<if test="SQR != null and SQR != ''"> and SQR = #{SQR}</if>
<if test="termEnd != null "> and TERM_END = #{termEnd}</if>
<if test="VILLAGE != null and VILLAGE != ''"> and VILLAGE = #{VILLAGE}</if>
<if test="updateBy != null and updateBy != ''"> and UPDATE_BY = #{updateBy}</if>
<if test="legalPersonPost != null and legalPersonPost != ''"> and LEGAL_PERSON_POST = #{legalPersonPost}</if>
<if test="legalPerson != null and legalPerson != ''"> and LEGAL_PERSON = #{legalPerson}</if>
<if test="zjEconKind != null and zjEconKind != ''"> and ZJ_ECON_KIND = #{zjEconKind}</if>
<if test="corpStatus != null and corpStatus != ''"> and CORP_STATUS = #{corpStatus}</if>
<if test="createTime != null "> and CREATE_TIME = #{createTime}</if>
<if test="supervisionLarge != null and supervisionLarge != ''"> and SUPERVISION_LARGE like concat('%',#{supervisionLarge}, '%')</if>
<if test="uuitNo != null and uuitNo != ''"> and UUIT_NO = #{uuitNo}</if>
<if test="supervisionSmall != null and supervisionSmall != ''"> and SUPERVISION_SMALL = #{supervisionSmall}</if>
<if test="rigisterAddress != null and rigisterAddress != ''"> and RIGISTER_ADDRESS = #{rigisterAddress}</if>
<if test="riskReport != null and riskReport != ''"> and RISK_REPORT = #{riskReport}</if>
<if test="indusTypeSmall != null and indusTypeSmall != ''"> and INDUS_TYPE_SMALL = #{indusTypeSmall}</if>
<if test="isDelete != null and isDelete != ''"> and IS_DELETE = #{isDelete}</if>
<if test="businessScope != null and businessScope != ''"> and BUSINESS_SCOPE = #{businessScope}</if>
<if test="startTime != null "> and START_TIME = #{startTime}</if>
<if test="legalPersonTel != null and legalPersonTel != ''"> and LEGAL_PERSON_TEL = #{legalPersonTel}</if>
<if test="indusTypeClass != null and indusTypeClass != ''"> and INDUS_TYPE_CLASS = #{indusTypeClass}</if>
<if test="termStart != null "> and TERM_START = #{termStart}</if>
<if test="enterpristScale != null and enterpristScale != ''"> and ENTERPRIST_SCALE = #{enterpristScale}</if>
<if test="registrationOrg != null and registrationOrg != ''"> and REGISTRATION_ORG = #{registrationOrg}</if>
<if test="districtCode != null and districtCode != ''"> and DISTRICT_CODE = #{districtCode}</if>
<if test="SUBDISTRICT != null and SUBDISTRICT != ''"> and SUBDISTRICT = #{SUBDISTRICT}</if>
<if test="otherName != null and otherName != ''"> and OTHER_NAME like concat('%', #{otherName}, '%')</if>
<if test="rigisterFund != null and rigisterFund != ''"> and RIGISTER_FUND = #{rigisterFund}</if>
<if test="enterpriseName != null and enterpriseName != ''"> and ENTERPRISE_NAME like concat('%', #{enterpriseName}, '%')</if>
<if test="orgCode != null and orgCode != ''"> and ORG_CODE = #{orgCode}</if>
<if test="aboveDesignated != null and aboveDesignated != ''"> and ABOVE_DESIGNATED = #{aboveDesignated}</if>
<if test="FRZJH != null and FRZJH != ''"> and FRZJH = #{FRZJH}</if>
<if test="CREATER != null and CREATER != ''"> and CREATER = #{CREATER}</if>
<if test="UPDATER != null and UPDATER != ''"> and UPDATER = #{UPDATER}</if>
<!-- <if test="CREATETIME != null "> and CREATETIME = #{CREATETIME}</if>-->
<!-- <if test="UPDATETIME != null "> and UPDATETIME = #{UPDATETIME}</if>-->
<if test="lastPageNumber != null "> and LAST_PAGE_NUMBER = #{lastPageNumber}</if>
<if test="floorSpace != null and floorSpace != ''"> and FLOOR_SPACE = #{floorSpace}</if>
<if test="SUBDISTRICT != null and SUBDISTRICT != ''"> and SUBDISTRICT like concat('%',#{SUBDISTRICT}, '%') </if>
<if test="aboveDesignatedTwo != null and aboveDesignatedTwo != ''"> and ABOVE_DESIGNATED_TWO = #{aboveDesignatedTwo}</if>
<if test="safetyProductionInvestment != null and safetyProductionInvestment != ''"> and SAFETY_PRODUCTION_INVESTMENT = #{safetyProductionInvestment}</if>
<if test="lastYearOperatingIncome != null and lastYearOperatingIncome != ''"> and LAST_YEAR_OPERATING_INCOME = #{lastYearOperatingIncome}</if>
<if test="lastYeatOnStream != null and lastYeatOnStream != ''"> and LAST_YEAT_ON_STREAM = #{lastYeatOnStream}</if>
<if test="majorProduct != null and majorProduct != ''"> and MAJOR_PRODUCT = #{majorProduct}</if>
<if test="htmlText != null and htmlText != ''"> and HTML_TEXT = #{htmlText}</if>
<if test="fixedAssets != null and fixedAssets != ''"> and FIXED_ASSETS = #{fixedAssets}</if>
@ -302,6 +246,7 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<if test="zjEconKind != null">ZJ_ECON_KIND = #{zjEconKind},</if>
<if test="corpStatus != null">CORP_STATUS = #{corpStatus},</if>
<if test="createTime != null">CREATE_TIME = #{createTime},</if>
<if test="uuitNo != null">UUIT_NO = #{uuitNo},</if>
<if test="supervisionSmall != null">SUPERVISION_SMALL = #{supervisionSmall},</if>
<if test="rigisterAddress != null">RIGISTER_ADDRESS = #{rigisterAddress},</if>
@ -330,6 +275,7 @@ PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<if test="lastPageNumber != null">LAST_PAGE_NUMBER = #{lastPageNumber},</if>
<if test="floorSpace != null">FLOOR_SPACE = #{floorSpace},</if>
<if test="aboveDesignatedTwo != null">ABOVE_DESIGNATED_TWO = #{aboveDesignatedTwo},</if>
<if test="safetyProductionInvestment != null">SAFETY_PRODUCTION_INVESTMENT = #{safetyProductionInvestment},</if>
<if test="lastYearOperatingIncome != null">LAST_YEAR_OPERATING_INCOME = #{lastYearOperatingIncome},</if>
<if test="lastYeatOnStream != null">LAST_YEAT_ON_STREAM = #{lastYeatOnStream},</if>